1200 Reservoir Ave, Cranston RI 02920

Call Us On

(401) 203-7464


(888) 833-6698


Initial Assessment
60 Min

The assessment is usually the first stage of the treatment process. This screening is the process of gathering information about a person with the purpose of making a diagnosis. The goal of this evaluation is to improve the quality between the provider-patient, the accuracy of psychiatric diagnoses, and the appropriateness of treatment selection.

Initial Assessment
60 Min

The assessment is usually the first stage of the treatment process. This screening is the process of gathering information about a person with the purpose of making a diagnosis. The goal of this evaluation is to improve the quality between the provider-patient, the accuracy of psychiatric diagnoses, and the appropriateness of treatment selection.

Follow Up Appointment
20 Min

This appointment is scheduled after the initial psychiatric assessment.

(It is helpful to keep a notebook for your mental health treatment. Write down how you are feeling, issues with medication, overall progress towards goals, and questions you want to ask between appointments.)

Paperwork Completion
10 Min


Patients are required to fill out paperwork prior to appointment.

Paperwork Completion
10 Min


Patients are required to fill out paperwork prior to appointment.

No Show/Less than 48 hrs Cancellation

If you fail to show up or cancel less than 48 hours prior to your appointment, you will be charged a $50 fee.

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